The weeks have been flying by and I've actually been getting some queries as to whether I've fallen off the planet. I'm still here! I'm sorry this poor blog has been rather neglected but unfortunately I just can't do it all. I'm still hoping to keep this going but my reality is that I need to keep it down to a few posts a month.
In case you don't know, this is my second blog. My ramblings of home, family and a hobby. My first blog is one that I update almost daily with paper crafting inspiration. It's called Belle Papier and if you're into that kind of thing...check it out.
But back to the renovation. I'm excited to say that it's almost done! Yay! We actually have started using it again while we finish off the last touches and I have to say I love it. It may seem a little silly but I'll go out of my way just to go through that room and smile at it.

But since I've been so neglectful of keeping you up to date.... let's back track a little. Today I'll show you refinishing the floor.
All in all, refinishing a hardwood floor is really not that difficult, just time-consuming. Depending on the condition of your floor it can take quite a while to sand. Basically, the more time you put into it, the better it will look. Our flooring was in mediocre condition when we moved in 11 years ago. Add five kids and lots of use and a major renovation on top of that...you have quite a bit of work to do.

Hubby rented a floor sander from Home Depot and then proceeded to put in 16 long hours sanding the floor. You start with a heavy grit sandpaper on the bottom and then slowly change to a medium grit and a finer grit. You need to remove all the finish, then the original stain and finally any gouges or dints in the floor. While yes, there was some dust from this project, I was surprised at how well the bag on the sander kept it down to a minimum.
To get close to the baseboards for a good edge finish, hubby removed the small trim at the bottom of them and then re-trimmed after the floor was finished.

You may want to open a few windows when staining the floor. Wow! Made my eyes water. We used a mixture of two colors of stain on this floor. We couldn't decide between the two so just stirred them together. I love it.
To finish off the floor, we applied three coats of Varathane to the floor. Just follow the directions on the can and sand with a fine sandpaper before your last coat. I'm thrilled with how soft and smooth it feels.
Now in case you think we forgot about the portion of floor between the two windows, we didn't. I forgot to take photos of that step. Hubby purchased a bit from Lee Valley and made his own oak flooring to fit in that spot. Same finishing process and it all looks like new. Once we'd gotten this far, it was so hard to wait a few days before moving in some of the furniture. It takes a little while to cure and if you take the time, you won't be disappointed after your hard work.
Thanks for stopping by!
Julia, so nice to see you back with us! Love that floor.
ReplyDeleteRefinishing wood floors is hard work! When I was younger, I sanded & finished our living room/dining room (apx 15 x 30 ft) by hand! It came out really nice. Your's is looking great already!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fantastic job your hubby did! You're so lucky! Remember to make him his favorite meal and give him lots of hugs for that room. It's just fabulous!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful job on the floor! Enjoy a job well done. :)
ReplyDeleteRefinishing a hard wood floor is very difficult as you will have to remove all the previous finishing from the floor. It is much tougher to refinish a floor than actually laying the hard wood floor. You will have to put in a lot of time and effort if you want to refinish your hard wood floor.
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