Showing posts with label ramblings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ramblings. Show all posts

Saturday, March 13, 2010

I Knew It

I just knew there was a reason I was hoarding all those candles! I seem to have a candle addiction these days.

Votives, tea lights, pillar candles, jar candles...I just can't seem to resist them. Now what I really want still is an oil lamp. And I have very good reason for one more addition.

You can light two dozen candles and still not have much light.

Now I've never done this before but today the weather was cold, wet and the wind howled all day. And then the power went off just before dinner as it was getting dark. Out came all those wonderful candles. They looked beautiful and shed some light and the little kids were so excited to see them all lit. Who am I kidding? I was lovin it too.

Dinner by fun! Of course, it was only hot dogs on the menu as they'd eaten VERY well all week. We were thankful that the gas stove will still work without electricity.

Here's some of our pretty candles...

And then the power came on just as we were sitting down to eat. Oh well. A bit of a relief but a bit of a disappointment too. I blew out most of the candles to save for another day.

I did learn a little lesson today. I was doing housework all day and getting just a little bit grumpy about how much had to be done. Having the power go out, ever for a short time makes me appreciate my modern conveniences. It was a different world without power. I wouldn't want to go back to it. I did however think about the quiet evenings that people used to have. Time to stop and think. That's something I often miss out on and I'm wondering if all our conveniences are such a good thing sometimes. A mixed blessing to be sure. I realized I need to slow down a little, enjoy my candles and enjoy some quiet time.

I learned something today...all those candles were a good and useful addiction and when I light one again, I hope I remember to slow down a little and take time to remember the important things in life.

Friday, January 22, 2010

color my world

I've always meant to keep a record of my paint colors...just in case I needed them again. When I first moved into this house almost 11 years ago, I was organized. I only had three kids and all of them were in school. I had a file as to just move into this place, a lot of work had to happen first.

But life happened and I didn't keep it up. When I saw that Stephanie from Frugal Home Ideas was having a paint color party...I thought it would be fun to join in and also get my paint colors all in one place.

It was interesting too. Seeing all my colors together in one place tells me a little more about what I like. Here's a peek into the colors of my world...

my kitchen:

Benjamin Moore Herbes de Provence CC-634

painted dresser:

Behr Black Suede

my livingroom/dining room:

Benjamin Moore HC 30 Philadelphia Cream

master bedroom:

Benjamin Moore Heavenly Blue 709

Basement and Back Hall:

Bar Harbour Beige CC-320

Upper Bathroom:

Benjamin Moore Bradstreet Beige HC- 48

Upper Hallway:

Benjamin Moore Sand Dunes 1072

laundry room/bathroom:

Benjamin Moore Heather Field CC-970

my creative space:

Benjamin Moore™ 2051-60 Birds Egg

I'm almost done! Full pics coming in a couple days.
Daughter's Bedroom:

Benjamin Moore Flagstone CC 516

my family room to be:

Benjamin Moore Wedgewood Gray HC 146

A few color notes:
  • Flagstone is the yummiest color ever. My daughter and I adore it in her room and I'd recommend it to anyone
  • I'm totally lovin' my Bird's Egg creative space. It's a wonderful blue...fresh and inspiring.
  • My living room color is nice but it's too light. It's getting painted this spring.
  • I like my funky purple bathroom.
  • My kitchen color is beautiful...even with dark cupboards. Herbes de Provence is so soothing. If you buy it...beware...first coat will look nasty going on but hang in will be gorgeous.
So I've decided I like cozy mid-toned colors with a touch of grey in them. Soothing colors in my mind.

What are your favorite colors to paint with?

This post links up with Frugal Home Ideas Paint Color Party...

Monday, January 18, 2010

12 ideas for making chores enjoyable

While some may like to clean, there's the rest of us who just do it because we have to. It's a necessary part of life. I'd much rather be creating.I have a few tricks that work for me for motivation or to just plain make it more enjoyable. Nothing terribly earth fact, I'm surprised I'm writing this as I'm more often sidetracked than not.

1. Make it pretty
- Doing dishes is not my favorite thing. They seem to multiply whenever I turn my head. I do love spice-scented candles though and their warm glow. I have one on my kitchen window to light and enjoy while working at the sink. Last week I also purchased a lovely new ironing board cover. Mine needed a new one and I saw a lovely black and white damask pattern one. Love damask. Now I enjoy my pretty new cover while tackling the ironing pile.

2. Enjoy the Scent - I may be a little strange but I love the smell of certain cleaning products. They just smell so "clean". Lemon scented furniture polish, Pine-sol and here's a strange one...I love the smell of Dettol. I think it's one of those childhood memory smells as my mom used to use it. One thing about it is I know everything is not only clean but disinfected when I use it. I purchase a huge bottle from the local pharmacy. They keep it behind the counter for some reason but it's much less expensive that way. Dettol may not be your "thing" but find something that is.

3. Use a Timer - Flylady has some fabulous tips. Great motivation too. I'm a lapsed flybaby at the moment but one thing that has really stuck with me is to use a timer. Setting it for 5, 10 or 15 minutes in a room really motivates me for some reason. Hubby just shakes his head but works for me so why knock it?

4. Make a List - I love lists. It's so much fun crossing them off. And they keep me on track. Are you sensing a theme here?

5. Automatic Program - There are certain things that I just automatically do so that the work doesn't pile up. Laundry is one of those for me. Every morning I throw in a load as soon as I'm up. It never piles up to insurmountable heights that way making laundry and other tasks much more enjoyable.

6. Don't Procrastinate - Everything is much harder the longer you procrastinate. I shake my head and think...why on earth didn't I just do that right away?!

7. Reward Yourself - Celebrate getting a big job done with a cup of coffee, some chocolate or some creative time. Doesn't that sound enjoyable?

8. Have company - Nothing motivates you quite like inviting some company over. It's win-win. Enjoy a clean house, some fun with friends and maybe even some leftovers.

9. Play Some Music - Put on something upbeat that you like to get you moving.

10. Declutter - Clutter is SO hard to clean around. You spend more time moving it than actually cleaning. That is not fun. Get rid of the excess and things will run much smoother. Flylady has some awesome tips on this. In an old house, I struggle with this as their are few storage options. Slowly I'm decluttering and investing in better storage options and donating the rest to someone who can use it.

11. Get help - Everything is so much better with two. My daughter was a huge help this holiday season and it was so much fun to work alongside her. I used to help my mom with big jobs too. If you have a huge home project, a friend may come help you and you can return the favor. I'm thinking those pioneer ladies were onto something with their canning and quilting bees.

12. Be Realistic - I would love my house to be perfect. Everything clean, ready for company at a moment's notice. I've had to let go of that though as right now, at this point in my life, that is just not going to happen. It's a busy house with five kids and a non-stop schedule. More often than not I find the piles of the above photo. I do my best and give myself permission to not be perfect.If I didn't I'd probably go crazy trying. As the Nester says...."It doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful." Seriously...I need to think up my own line but hers just works for me.

And now I'm feeling inspired to do a little cleaning and organizing myself. The laundry is on, timer and list in hand...

Happy cleaning!


This post links up with Thrifty Decor Chick's So Fresh So Clean Party.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

the renovation process

I have a love/hate thing going with renovations. Love the end result. Love the planning. The dreaming.

The process? Not so much.

It's messy. Hard work. And while we always get off to a great start. Life happens. Construction stalls. Or maybe it just seems to. We're still hard at work. The wiring is slow. Installing the ductwork. The insulation. All that is not glamorous but so essential. It's worth the wait and hard work because the end product just would not be the same without it. Just an empty shell. A film set.

It occurred to me the other day that my life is just like a renovation. Some of the parts I'd rather just not go through. The hard days. The things that seem senseless. The pain and the trials. Just like a renovation, I need to learn more patience.

We've all heard the saying...Please be patient with me... God isn't finished with me yet. How true is that? I know that inside there's still a lot to be done. How about a little more patience. More love. More worship. A million other things too.

What inspired this whole thought process? On Sunday I was listening to some ministry on Romans 8:28

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

God has my best interests at heart. Even when I can't see where this is going. He has a plan. A blueprint. And it's far greater than anything I can ever imagine. I can trust Him. How amazing is it that there is a particular plan for me? That God is interested in every aspect of my life?

And so along the way, I still have laundry to do, lessons to learn, a light to shine, love to bestow, a life to live and lumps to be carefully smoothed away by the Master's hand. My Father's hand.

So I'll hold on and trust. I know He'll never let me go. And I know that while the process may not be what I want much of the time, it needs to be done and I'm looking forward to seeing the end result. It's all going to be worth it.

Just a few simple thoughts from a life under construction,


Sunday, January 10, 2010

January 2010 Home To Do List

I actually started off this post as a 2010 to do list.

Then I scared myself.

It was huge.

So in interests of my mental health...I've decided to make a monthly home to do list. Much more manageable in bite sized chunks of work, don't you think? This month poor hubby has the lion's share of the work

  • wire family room
  • finish insulating
  • install vapour barrier
  • hook up central vac to 2nd floor
  • board family room ceiling
  • tape and mud drywall
  • remove gas fireplace
  • patch floor
  • hang and trim closet doors in family room
  • buy ceiling fan
  • install pot lights
  • pick paint for family room
  • prime and paint family room
  • finish painting trim in craft room - yes I really do want to finish this so I can show you!
  • finish packing up the Christmas decorations, just a couple strays still kicking around
  • hang blinds in back entrance
  • plan window coverings for family room will be interesting to see how far we get. I see a lot of busy nights and Saturdays in our future and I'm thinking some of this list will probably run into February.

Wish me luck!


Thursday, December 31, 2009

What I Learned in 2009

Things I learned in 2009....

(OK, some of them were relearned or I have a new appreciation of them)

  • Time seems to speed up rather than slow down
  • I love digital design
  • how to take better photos with Candace Stringham
  • the joys of second hand shopping
  • to make the most of what I have
  • I love designing rubber stamps and it was a fabulous experience
  • sometimes God closes a door
  • All work and no play leads to creative burn-out
  • Creativity comes back if you change gears for a while
  • I hate being a procrastinator
  • how to create a digital blinkie
  • I rediscovered the joy of sewing on fabric
  • how to paint old furniture
  • to create my own wall art
  • Good things come to those who wait...I now have a craft room!
  • After 20 years of baby mania, I'm more than happy to wait patiently for my grandma years now
  • that the teenage years can be the best of times but also the worst of times...six years down and just sixteen more to go! lol the joys of five kids
  • is a cool place to shop
  • a new puppy can be more work than a new baby
  • that I love to sing but should never hum
  • how to make my hubby's 40th memorable
  • I need a list to stay on track
  • I'm becoming more like my mom
  • to be a little less shy
  • to spend less time on the computer
  • the book of Daniel is fascinating...I loved the Beth Moore Daniel study, learned and grew so much
  • balance is everything
  • all good things come to an end
  • time does heal all wounds...I can now remember my mom with a smile instead of a tear
  • my daughter and I may just end up as close friends as my mom and I were
  • "it doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful" ~ the Nester
  • it's good to be creative in a variety of things
  • I love DIY home blogs
  • I can change my home little by little, step by step
  • the most important job God has given me is being a mom
  • that my kids will pick up my least desirable traits
  • having my husband working out of town for seven months is an experience I don't want to repeat
  • I can be more independent than I thought
  • after 20 years of marriage, he's still the one
  • not to take my blessings for granted
  • I have a couple grey hairs
  • my children never cease to amaze me
  • to be kinder
  • to love with abandon
  • that I can trust God with every tiny detail of my life
  • a couple good friends are a precious gift
  • to treasure each moment
  • to find the best in difficult days
  • to find beauty in the mundane
  • to take more time to enjoy the wonder God's of creations
  • I am blessed
I'm looking forward to a wonderful year ahead. I know that God's plan for me is far more thrilling than anything I could ever plan. It's also good to look back and see the path through the past year, learn from my mistakes, be encouraged in the blessings and see the Guiding Hand that helped me through.

Wishing you a year of blessing to come!

This post links up with Funky Junk Interiors Saturday Night Special

Monday, December 21, 2009

Taking Some Time

Christmas..It's such a beautiful time of year. A very busy time of year too. Today I'm taking a little time out from the hustle and bustle and last minute preparations to think about the beauty of Christmas.

May I never lose sight of the greatest gift of all.


Friday, December 11, 2009

The Beauty of Christmas Carols

As I sat in church the other night singing Christmas Carols with a group of children, I was impressed with the beauty and truth to be found in the old traditional carols. It's not often that you hear them these days, on the radio or in the stores. Why is Santa Baby the most popular song I seem to hear? This year I'm turning off the radio and turning on some beautiful old carols and remembering the Gift of Christmas.

Hark the herald angels sing
"Glory to the newborn King!
Peace on earth and mercy mild
God and sinners reconciled"
Joyful, all ye nations rise
Join the triumph of the skies
With the angelic host proclaim:
"Christ is born in Bethlehem"
Hark! The herald angels sing
"Glory to the newborn King!"

Christ by highest heav'n adored
Christ the everlasting Lord!
Late in time behold Him come
Offspring of a Virgin's womb
Veiled in flesh the Godhead see
Hail the incarnate Deity
Pleased as man with man to dwell
Jesus, our Emmanuel
Hark! The herald angels sing
"Glory to the newborn King!"

Hail the heav'n-born Prince of Peace!
Hail the Son of Righteousness!
Light and life to all He brings
Ris'n with healing in His wings
Mild He lays His glory by
Born that man no more may die
Born to raise the sons of earth
Born to give them second birth
Hark! The herald angels sing
"Glory to the newborn King!"

In searching for the lyrics to enjoy again, I came across this lovely (and free!) little Christmas Carol Printable Booklet from Some sweet graphics and 30 traditional songs, most of which include the true meaning of Christmas. I'm planning to print off some copies, gather my family together with some hot chocolate and enjoy a little family time, singing and enjoy each other's company. A beautiful little time out in this very busy season.

Wishing you a beautiful Christmas,


Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Few of My Favorite Things

Raindrops on roses & whiskers on kittens... OK I'll stop before you start singing it. This post isn't about the Sound of Music but rather, a few Christmas ideas. I thought it would be fun to link up with 320 Sycamore and her My Favorite Things post. The idea is to share some of your favorite things, things that you love that you'd love to give or receive as gifts. It makes for some great ideas if you're having trouble with ideas for that holiday shopping list.

To start off with, a Christmas gift for me. Just couldn't resist. I ordered this lovely Christmas Memories fragrance diffuser from Claire Burke and it's now making my kitchen smell wonderful. I just wish my sinuses were a little less congested so I could enjoy it more! BTW, shipping to Canada was fabulous!

Just finished this book and like all Lynn Austin books, it was fabulous. I love historical novels and this is about a young girl finding her way. Actually, the story spans three generations from the Civil War through the womens right to vote to Prohibition and is woven brilliantly together. You can find it here or here.

I love Pampered Chef. I purchased this large Stoneware pan almost 10 years ago and it is now a lovely seasoned brown. I love it so much it hits the oven almost daily and not just for pizza. It's perfect for baking on and cooking frozen kid's favorites like chicken nuggets.

I have seriously purchased large quantities of these great Mini-Serving Spatulas. I can't get enough of them. I currently have three in my kitchen as they are perfect for serving bars, squares, desserts and lifting cookies off of baking pans. A couple months ago I ordered another seven of them. I had the consultant phone and ask me if I'd made a mistake. Nope! I wanted another and gave the rest away as everyone who tries one in my kitchen loves it. And no...I don't sell or own shares in Pampered Chef. ;)
Apothecary jars. I adore them. They are just so elegant and make anything you fill them with look wonderful. These beauties are from Pier 1.

I just got some more Obsession for Christmas. I know it's only November but hubby prefers it if I just buy what I want and save him the trouble. Not terribly exciting I know but it sure beats getting something you don't want. I've been wearing this for 22 years and haven't tired of it yet.

Seriously...this is my favourite chocolate evah! Cadbury's Flake. Have you ever had one? The chocolate is to die for. They are from Britain and I think I became addicted on my one trip to Ireland at age five. Since then it's always been a great treat brought home by my traveling relatives. You can find it at British shops, on-line and I just recently discovered that they carry it at a local bulk food store. Oh look...just found a case of 24 bars on-line at Amazon!

Please Santa bring me some more of my French Vanilla! I've been missing it tremendously. Our nearby grocery store just stopped carrying this. Why???? And just so you know, the empty tins make the cutest little gift tins.

When the weather outside is frightful...would this warm and fuzzy throw be perfect to snuggle up in? This one is from Pier 1 but warm fuzzy throws are everywhere this year. A book, some French Vanilla and a Cadbury's Flake and this throw. I think I've found my perfect winter moment.

I absolutely adore this beautiful ruffled throw pillow. Hmmm....doesn't it remind you a little of that Cadbury's Flake?! I may be onto something. Actually though, I picked it up on sale at Pier 1 for my daughter. I think I'm going to have a hard time giving it away but maybe she'll let me visit it in her room now and then.

Lastly a super cheap stocking stuffer. Don't you love the black and white damask? This little Shopper Tote/Key Ring is great to have on hand, it's pretty and it's great for the environment. What's not to like?

So how's that for ideas? Nothing too outrageously expensive as I'm a girl on a budget. Now this post links up with 320 Sycamore. Click the button for more fun gift ideas.

Have a beautiful day!


Friday, November 13, 2009

beauty in the little things

As a mom of three teenagers, I know how quickly the years pass. Where did they go? I'm also a mom of two little boys as well though and I'm constantly reminded of taking the time to cherish each sweet moment. Each sweet hug. Each sweet kiss. Each sweet little gift I receive.

I received the sweetest little bucket of dirt yesterday with the last, beat-up daisy clinging to life in my garden. It came in some loving little pudgy, dirty hands and a heart full of love. What could be more beautiful?

Some days I've been too busy to enjoy the sweet little things. I'm trying to slow down. Savor the moment. Remember what's important. Find beauty in the little things. My life is a masterpiece of them if I only stop to look.

Have a beautiful day,

Monday, November 9, 2009

Making a List...and finding a balance

While I love giving gifts, I have to admit Christmas shopping is not my favorite venture. Love Christmas...just not a bit fan of malls this time of year. They are crowded and I can never find what I want. I end up grumpy like Scrooge. No one wants a Mama Scrooge. Why is it there is so much pressure on the mother/wife/shopper to buy the correct presents to make everyone's special day? The hardest thing is doing it with a budget and finding the right balance between needs and wants. A couple years ago I bought all the gifts from us as well as two other people for my children. It ended up being a full-time job and I was a super stressed out mom before I even had to drag out the wrapping paper. Not a good thing and I've been committed to having a joyful Christmas each year since.

In case you're just meeting me, I'm a mom with five children and a large extended family. I'm seriously not a grumpy person and I'm so sorry if this post has started off on a negative note. I love Christmas. I love celebrating the birth of Christ. I love my family and I love the season of giving. I love sharing what I have and love buying gifts. I want to make sure that I keep the beauty in my home this year and the stress out.

I use a few strategies to help combat the shopping pressure this time of year. Here's a few quick ideas for less stress...

  • Start early. Some years I start in January. This year I started in July but I'm slowly working my way through the list.
  • Finish before December. This is when the malls get scary. In my mind anyway. Crowds make for more wasted time standing in lines.
  • Smile and be polite! This is Christmas. Good manners are beautiful and smiles are catching!
  • Be there when the mall opens. It will be less crowded and you'll have more energy.
  • Make a list. Check it twice. This helps you stay on budget and on track. Some people are easier to buy for than others. My daughter is super easy to buy for and I tend to buy a little too much. Good thing her birthday is in February and I can keep any excess for then!
  • Ask people what they want. This may or may not work. It does save you the guessing game but if you get a LONG list, you may have some disappointed children. Be sure to remind them that Santa cannot bring everything! It's actually good for them to learn that life is not perfect.
  • Pair up with someone else to purchase one large gift. My hubby's siblings love doing this for my MIL and she gets something she can really use.
  • Ask for help. Last year I was getting a little stressed as Christmas was almost here and I had a few things left to buy. My dear friend came shopping with me to help me out and was a life saver. Thanks Rebecca!
  • Cut down on excess gifts. We've slowly cut down on our extended family giving at the suggestion of other family members. I'm thrilled. The focus of our Christmas celebrations is now more on family and the reason for the season.
  • It doesn't hurt to buy things that people need as part of their gift. More things to open, even if it is socks and underwear. I always like to give the kids new pencils and paper for school at this time of year too.
  • If you're on a budget and have the time, homemade gifts are lovely thoughts. Be sure to start early though!
  • Find time for yourself. A happy home is a gift in itself.
  • Shop on-line and look for free or discount shipping options. Sitting in my jammies with hot chocolate while Christmas music plays is my idea of a dream shopping trip. No parking difficulties and I don't have to scrape the windshield.
  • Wrap as you go to save your back in a wrapping marathon.
  • Try food gifts for people that have everything. We all have to eat and it doesn't lead to un-needed clutter. Except maybe around the waistline.
  • Give yourself permission to buy gift cards for teenagers and hard to buy for people.'s OK.

tin details here.'s the thought that counts. A cherished gift may just be the gift of your time. People are so much more important things any time.

Enjoy your holiday shopping this Christmas season and may you all receive the gift of joy and peace.


This post links up with Red Writing's Twelve Weeks of Christmas